Sunday 3 March 2013

My Last Day of School

My official last day of teaching was 1st March, 2013. That day was bitter sweet for me because I will seriously miss my students, teachers, and school staff. As an appreciation of thanks to everyone, I gave a a farewell speech to the whole school in Hindi. It was memorable and extremely funny. Believe it or not, I was actually nervous because I was afraid I would pull the same stunt as a guy in the movie, 3 Idiots—who gave a speech in Hindi and said everything horribly wrong. Nevertheless, I was good. The whole school—students, teaches, and especially Principal sir were shocked!! I am happy I did it because as the Spoken English teacher, I worked to inspire confidence in speaking English to my students. The fact that I boldly went before the school to present a speech in their native language demonstrated what I have been teaching them all along. Per my last day, I gave all my students farewell goody bags (each had a piece of candy, pen, and Sandy Ma’am’s golden tips for Spoken English)—they loved it!! For my staff, I cooked my family’s traditional soup--soup Joumou (Pumpkin soup), they kept asking for seconds.

Click below to see me give my farewell speech in Hindi---MUST SEE!!

These are the pictures from my last day of school (Note: I wore the cutest salwar suit)

My 6th graders (girls)--I <3 them all!!!
I will miss my 6th graders!!! 

**One of my 6th graders read me the sweetest letter: CHECK THIS OUT!

7th grade girls--they are very sweet!!
Some of India's finest 7th grade boys (lol)
I know you can't have faves but here's my fave 8th graders(boys)

I know you can't have faves but here's my fave 8th graders(girls)
My other 8th graders (boys)
Me and my other 8th graders (girls)
All the amazing gifts from my students--I felt so special!!!

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